Track Your Order

Sample: RR123456789CN

For any questions regarding your order you can email us at Please ensure you provide your name and order number for us to quickly assist you.


Your local customs office may require additional documents and time to clear your package, which may delay the estimated delivery time. 
Your order may be delivered to you by either the local post office or a local courier. Depending on your area, most orders will be delivered by your local post service, so the package will be received as your regular mail. If you are not home when the delivery is made, a notice card may be left by the postal service to advise on how and where your delivery can be collected.

How long does shipping take?
It usually takes 12-20 business days to arrive in your country however, in some instances, delivery may be delayed depending on your country's customs.

How do I know if my package has shipped and is on its way?
Once you place an order, you will receive an automatic confirmation email. Once your order has been processed and is ready to leave our distribution center, you will receive another email with shipping information. Please note that the shipping confirmation email does not necessarily mean that the carrier (USPS or DHL) has picked up your package from our distribution center. Please use the appropriate carriers tracking features to determine when your package has been picked up and is in transit.
Please allow 3-5 days from the time you place your order for it's status to update.


If you need to change or cancel your order, please contact us immediately by email:
We process and ship orders quickly, Once our warehouse has processed your order, we will be unable to make any changes. 

Please note that any orders that have already been packed or shipped cannot be cancelled.